Blogging Up the Fireplace

Stay posted to learn ways to uplift your fireplace while keeping safety and style in mind!

Do You Want to Live???

Then make sure you check your smoke detector!

I hope I got your attention, because I need you to understand the importance of a smoke detector. So many people take smoke detectors for granted.

According to the American Red Cross, one of the most important points to bring up when discussing fire safety is smoke detectors. They save lives. “Make sure you have one on every level of your home, make sure you check them monthly and change the batteries at least once a year…”

Did you know that home fires are the most common type of disaster, and the most frequent. On average, the Red Cross responds to one every 13-15 hours.

Now those statistics are troubling, especially because we could possibly avoid a house fire disaster by simply changing the batteries in our smoke detectors or if you are guilty...simply hanging a smoke detector in your home.

So, make a promise to start fresh and make your smoke detector a priority today!

Child Safety with Glass Fireplace Doors...YOU NEED TO KNOW!


When it comes to children and a fireplace in your home...SAFETY needs to be on the top of your

Many homes today have a gas flame fireplace. In the early years, gas fireplace flames were protected by some sort of metal screen. More recently, these fireplaces have been enclosed by glass doors.

Fireplaces with glass doors are becoming a source of serious burn injuries to infants and small children.

In a recently published study by Desiree Jimenez and Angela Montgomery of The Children’s Hospital in Denver, it was reported that 82 children were diagnoised with moderate to severe hand burn injuries caused by fireplace glass doors. Five of these kids required skin grafting.

Typical hand burns range from a partial thickness to full thickness in depth. The treatment of hand burn injuries to children is painful and time intensive. Permanent disability often results from contractures leading to a loss in the functional range of hand movement.

Testing shows that the glass doors on a fireplace can heat to 400° in six minutes and take 45 minutes to completely cool. Most of the burn victims are less than two years old and just learning to walk. They are unsure on their feet and some serious injuries result from falling against the red hot glass.

Toddlers are so curious, especially about fire and are drawn to the doors enclosing the object of their curiosity. Their “touchy feely” instincts lead them to place their little hands on the hot glass.

Parents should consider replacing a glass door fireplace with doors made out of tempered glass. Tempered glass doors do not store heat as efficiently and are much safer for children.

If you choose not to replace the dangerous fireplace, then PLEASE wait until the kids have gone to bed before turning the fireplace on. Also, put a full protective fireplace screen around the fireplace in order to prevent children from being able to reach the glass doors.

Just use your head when it comes to your children and your fireplace...remember SAFETY COMES FIRST!

Sizing Up the Fireplace

I was freezing this morning with the crisp air filling up the rooms, which means it is just about that time. Cozy fireplace time! Now that my two are two I think it is time to fancy up the fireplace. This year I think I am going to get a fireplace screen that adds some class to our family room. I didn't realize two years ago that there was a way to safely pick out the right fireplace screen.

Well, guess what there is...

  1. Confirm it is the correct size for your fireplace.

  2. When measuring your fireplace, add approximately 10-12 inches to the actual width of your fireplace opening for a folding fireplace screen. This will allow for enough fold in the fireplace screen and will prevent it from tipping over.
  3. Folding fireplace screens should be at least 3-5 inches taller than the actual fireplace opening.

  4. For flat fireplace screens, the desired overlap is about 1 inch. While these measurements are necessarily critical, THEY ARE RECOMMENDED.

  5. Most of all, choose the style you like the best!

So, stay tuned as I plan for my fall family room facelift :)

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When my twin boys arrived 2 years ago my life was completely thrown upside down...a good upside down, but life as I knew it would never be the same. The true fun began when my boys started moving around, although, it meant BIG home changes. One of my biggest concerns was our fireplace, so I began researching ways to keep our family safe without losing the integrity of our beautiful hearth! Through this journey I have learned that children not only open your heart but truly enhance your home! Stay posted to learn ways to uplift your fireplace while keeping safety and style in mind!


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