Blogging Up the Fireplace

Stay posted to learn ways to uplift your fireplace while keeping safety and style in mind!

Sizing Up the Fireplace

I was freezing this morning with the crisp air filling up the rooms, which means it is just about that time. Cozy fireplace time! Now that my two are two I think it is time to fancy up the fireplace. This year I think I am going to get a fireplace screen that adds some class to our family room. I didn't realize two years ago that there was a way to safely pick out the right fireplace screen.

Well, guess what there is...

  1. Confirm it is the correct size for your fireplace.

  2. When measuring your fireplace, add approximately 10-12 inches to the actual width of your fireplace opening for a folding fireplace screen. This will allow for enough fold in the fireplace screen and will prevent it from tipping over.
  3. Folding fireplace screens should be at least 3-5 inches taller than the actual fireplace opening.

  4. For flat fireplace screens, the desired overlap is about 1 inch. While these measurements are necessarily critical, THEY ARE RECOMMENDED.

  5. Most of all, choose the style you like the best!

So, stay tuned as I plan for my fall family room facelift :)


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When my twin boys arrived 2 years ago my life was completely thrown upside down...a good upside down, but life as I knew it would never be the same. The true fun began when my boys started moving around, although, it meant BIG home changes. One of my biggest concerns was our fireplace, so I began researching ways to keep our family safe without losing the integrity of our beautiful hearth! Through this journey I have learned that children not only open your heart but truly enhance your home! Stay posted to learn ways to uplift your fireplace while keeping safety and style in mind!


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