Blogging Up the Fireplace

Stay posted to learn ways to uplift your fireplace while keeping safety and style in mind!

Time to Change the Batteries...

Let Daylight Savings help us think of fire safety.

Did you know that you should not only have a smoke detector in your home, but you should also be CHANGING THE BATTERY EVERY 6 MONTHS???

Daylight Savings occurs every 6 months, which I am going to use to remind me that it is time to change my smoke detector's 9v battery. It is a great reminder to help make sure that my home is protected.

When the Fall weather starts to get cooler, I love to sit behind a roaring fire in my fireplace. Using daylight savings to check that the 9v battery in my smoke detector is new and working, helps me to know that I am taking at least one more step to safely protect my family Please check your battery!


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When my twin boys arrived 2 years ago my life was completely thrown upside down...a good upside down, but life as I knew it would never be the same. The true fun began when my boys started moving around, although, it meant BIG home changes. One of my biggest concerns was our fireplace, so I began researching ways to keep our family safe without losing the integrity of our beautiful hearth! Through this journey I have learned that children not only open your heart but truly enhance your home! Stay posted to learn ways to uplift your fireplace while keeping safety and style in mind!


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