Blogging Up the Fireplace

Stay posted to learn ways to uplift your fireplace while keeping safety and style in mind!

Why Do I Need a Fireplace Screen?

Children bring so much joy but they also bring mommy worries. With twin boys in my home the first thing I was worried about was my fireplace. I have an open hearth and fireplace doors were really not an option 1) because my husband is just not that handy and 2) with the economy the way it is...we just didn't have the money for major construction! So, I needed to figure out a way to keep my boys safe and here is what I found...

A fireplace screen not only adds the perfect accent to your hearth, but also helps to protect your family, pets, carpets and/or floors from flying embers. Keeping an open flame with little ones crawling on the floor is just not an option. So, then the biggest decision is figuring out if you are looking for a fireplace screen that is either practical or decorative. The best part is that the possibilities are endless because they come in
many unique designs and sizes. You can accent your hearth, while protecting your family at the same time. A fireplace screen is the way I choose to go and I am so grateful because it has brought peace of mind and a stunning focal point to my family room!


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When my twin boys arrived 2 years ago my life was completely thrown upside down...a good upside down, but life as I knew it would never be the same. The true fun began when my boys started moving around, although, it meant BIG home changes. One of my biggest concerns was our fireplace, so I began researching ways to keep our family safe without losing the integrity of our beautiful hearth! Through this journey I have learned that children not only open your heart but truly enhance your home! Stay posted to learn ways to uplift your fireplace while keeping safety and style in mind!


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